The gift card is additional pay and is taxable income to you. The employer should include the value of the gift card in the wages in box 1 of your W-2. If they ...
There is no way to get a credit or deduction for tip-outs on your tax return. The tip-outs are not supposed to be included in your W-2. It sounds like your empl...
All the payments from a pension are technically an RMD. Just answer that it was an RMD, and that all of it was an RMD. The RMD amount is the total amount of the...
In order to claim someone as a dependent on your tax return, you must enter the person's SSN or ITIN. If they will not allow you to use the number on your tax r...
The name on the TurboTax account does not have to be the same as the name on the tax return. Create a new TurboTax account in your own name. When you start the ...