Nine years as Tax Expert with TurboTax; Certified Public Accountant (Texas, retired) since 1998; 20+ years of tax accounting, specializing in small businesses and partnerships
Yes, you will need to upgrade to TurboTax Premium in order to file Schedule E.
If you only need to print/preview your prior year returns, you can do that in an...
If you have no employees, follow the instructions below to enter the total of employer and employee contributions. These steps record the contributions under Bu...
Yes, it does matter. You can't enter a negative amount for Form 1099-NEC, so you would need to report a 1099-MISC with a negative amount to offset the 1099-NEC ...
You are right, the wording isn't the best. But, no, the question pertains to the asset you are adding (the flooring). Section 179 deduction is not available for...
No, you should not have penalties if you file by the deadline. It's highly unlikely that Schedule K=3 will reverse a large refund and cause you to owe taxes. Bu...