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Thanks, but you're the second TT Employee Tax Expert to reply by telling me where I can enter prior year AGI info when I was asking where I can enter prior year PIN info.   Error code IND-032-04 says that either the spouse's prior year AGI or the spouse's prior year PIN in the Report Header doesn't match the relevant entry in the IRS database.   (The PIN referred to in error code IND-032-04 is the 5-digit self-select PIN, not the 6-digit IP PIN provided by the IRS.)  I've confirmed that the prior year AGI figures I input into TT are accurate (they match my 2021 IRS transcript), so now I'm trying to see whether the problem is with the PIN.  I don't see any entries in the TT interview or in any of the TT worksheets that show my (or my spouse's) prior year 5-digit self-select PIN, or that ask me to input my (or my spouse's) prior year 5-digit self-select PIN.   So what is the prior year PIN that TT is reporting to the IRS, where is it coming from, and how can I make sure that it is accurate?