Employee Tax Expert

Get your taxes done using TurboTax

 Hi there – you are not alone many people are waiting many weeks for their tax refund!

Here's a list of reasons your income tax refund might be delayed:

Your tax return has errors.

It's incomplete.

Your refund is suspected of identity theft or fraud.

You filed for the earned income tax credit or additional child tax credit.

Your return needs further review.

Your return includes Form 8379 (PDF), injured spouse allocation -- this could take up to 14 weeks to process.

If the delay is due to a necessary tax correction made to a recovery rebate credit, earned income tax or additional child tax credit claimed on your return, the IRS will send you an explanation. If there's a problem that needs to be fixed, the IRS will first try to proceed without contacting you. However, if it needs any more information, it will write you a letter.

The IRS' timeline for processing tax returns is usually within three weeks, but some taxpayers have been waiting months to receive their payments. If there are any errors, or if you filed a claim for an earned income tax credit or the child tax credit, the wait could be pretty lengthy. If you submitted a tax return by mail, the IRS says it could take six to eight weeks to the time it will take for your tax refund to arrive.

Use the IRS' Where's My Refund tool

Hope this helps! If not reach out to connect again!