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Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Currently there is a known issue when using TurboTax Online that is related to the program asking you to double-click to link to Schedule C. 


Please review the article below and use the link in the article to enter your email address to be notified once this is resolved:  


TurboTax: Why Am I Unable to Link my 1099-NEC?


Also you can review the information below for steps to possibly solve the issue.  


Income reported on Form 1099-NEC must be reported on Schedule C, the program is trying to link these two forms together to be sure that it is reported correctly and on the right form.


Revisit the section where you entered the Form 1099-NEC if you entered it on its own and delete that entry, by following these steps:

  1. Open TurboTax.
  2. On the top right corner of TurboTax online screen, click on Search (or for CD/downloaded TurboTax locate the search box in the upper right corner).
  3. Type in “1099-NEC” (or for CD/downloaded TurboTax, click Find),
  4. Click on the “Jump to 1099-NEC” link.

This will bring you a summary of all Form 1099-NEC that you have entered.  Click Delete or the Trash can icon next to each one.


Next, you will re-enter the Form 1099-NEC as part of the Schedule C so that the income is reported directly as part of your Business Income and Expenses and within the correct form and section of your return.


Follow these steps to go to the Schedule C section of your return: 

  1. On the top right corner of TurboTax online screen, click on Search (or for CD/downloaded TurboTax locate the search box in the upper right corner).
  2. Type in “schedule c” (or for CD/downloaded TurboTax, click Find).
  3. Click on the “Jump to schedule c” link.

If you already have created a Schedule C in your return, click on edit and go to the section to Add Income.  This is where you will re-enter the Form 1099-NEC. 


If you do not already have a Schedule C in your return, follow the prompts and enter the information about your work/business for which you received the Form 1099-NEC.  Then continue through that section to Add Income and enter the Form 1099-NEC along with any additional income you received for that business.  


Once you have completed this, the error should be eliminate.

