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They are going off of the school letter head and ignoring my husbands statement. This is why I went to the hospital and got a letter head stating that they did indeed live at my address the whole tax year. The reason why it showed them at his address is because we used his address to get them into that school, but the medical records show them living with me. They are not the disabled ones, it's my adult brother and sister who are. They requested a Dr form stating their condition to which I supplied to them. The they fired back about them saying no proof of residency to which I also have proof of to submit which is a signed lease by them. They do not have mail or any thing else showing proof of where they stay because it was only a temporary thing just for that tax year. So in a nut shell they denied the kids because of the school letter and they denied brother and sister because of no proof of residency. Now I have a medical statement for my kids showing proof they stayed with me and a signed lease showing proof my brother and sister stayed with me. I think that should be good enough. They wanted proof and a signed lease is legal proof. Also a medical statement is proof. Am I missing something here?