Nouveau membre

La page sur "le crédit d'impôt pour fournitures scolaires des enseignants et éducateurs de la petite enfance" s'affiche mais ne me permet pas de rentrer de montant.

Nouveau membre

Pour commencer

Here's how to enter your amounts:

Please check to see if you selected the credit in the Profile.  To do this,

Click "Setting Up" and then "Profile."

Click "Save" until the "Other credits & deductions" section expands.

Scroll down until you see "Are there other deductions such as public transit, union or professional dues or alimony that you wish to claim?"  Click "Yes" to this.

Click "I am an eligible teacher or early childhood educator and paid for eligible school supplies during the year."

Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen, then click "Continue."

Then click "Deductions"  "Other Deductions" "Teacher and Early Childhood Educator School Supply Tax Credit

Voir la solution dans l'envoi d'origine

Nouveau membre

Pour commencer

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