Level 2


Yes I did. I spent 40 minutes on line. She first of all looked at my turbo tax folder then I gave her permission to look at my computer screen. When I use the online version of TurboTax, all I am left with is a pdf of our submissions which we netfiled and which were accepted.  It turns out that the pdf of the T1032 for my wife was filled out incorrectly so she turned me over to the Audit team. Talked to them the next day and they agreed it was incorrect but I was able to fill out a new version downloaded from the CRA correctly. While doing so I discovered that our pdf had not filled in lines 37-39. As the calculations involved were done on the "federal worksheet" and that was not available, I had to go through all her T slips manually and was finally able to discover that, though line 39 was empty, TurboTax had filled in the correct amount on line 43700 of her T1 form. I suspect the problems caused by the incorrectly generated T1032 were what caused the CRA to review her whole filing, although there's no way to know for sure. I much prefer the PC version but as I know longer carry my laptop from home to my condo in Arizona, but use a separate machine down south, I would have had to buy two licenses.