Unable to enter 0% as my percentage of investment income reported on T5 in joint account

I have a joint account with my wife. When the account was opened, the bank listed my name first on the application, which is now interpreted as being the "primary owner" of the account for the purpose of reporting. So all the slips that were reported to CRA are assocated with my SIN and Turbotax imports these slips for me. So far so good.


The problem is that all the investments in this account were funded 100% by money my wife contributed from her inheritance. So based on CRA, all the income should be attributed to my wife, not me.


But Turbotax does not allow me to enter 0% as my percentage on the T5 slip screen. Any time I do this and save, the percenrage resets to 100%.  If I enter 0.01% the slip saves correctly ... but this is not accurate split of the income attribution (although is close).


How can I enter 0% and have it stick?