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Deductions & credits

Yes.  You can include in medical expenses insurance premiums you pay for policies that cover medical care.  However, don't include in your medical and dental expenses any insurance premiums paid by an employer-sponsored health insurance plan unless the premiums are included on your Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.


Also, don't include any other medical and dental expenses paid by the plan unless the amount paid is included on your Form W-2. Example. You are a federal employee participating in the premium conversion plan of the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program. Your share of the FEHB premium is paid by making a pre-tax reduction in your salary. Because you are an employee whose insurance premiums are paid with money that is never included in your gross income, you can't deduct the premiums paid with that money.


Now, to be clear.  No, you are not allowed to deduct pre-tax premiums for health insurance on your tax return.  You can only deduct the premiums that you pay (after tax income). Not what your employer spends for your coverage. . 



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